Do you love to be one of the first in-the-know parents of what's going on at Riojas?
Volunteering is the way to make that happen.
Whether it is for 30 minutes on a Friday morning, or accepting a position as a committee member, all of our events can't happen without your help.
Volunteering is the way to make that happen.
Whether it is for 30 minutes on a Friday morning, or accepting a position as a committee member, all of our events can't happen without your help.
(Click Employment Application. Complete the form & for the position section highlight volunteer.)
These board and committee member positions begin getting filled at our Spring PTO meeting and continue through the beginning of the next school year.
Holiday Marketplace Chair
This event is a student favorite. This chair is responsible for purchasing gift items, pricing and tagging, and working to properly communicate and recruit volunteers. This chair will be required to be onsite during the school days on the week of the event.
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Volunteer
The program was created for the purpose of encouraging dads, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures to become more involved in schools. The men who volunteer serve as positive male role models for our students. You will spend their day involved with activities such as helping with morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, reading with students, working with students on flashcards, playing at recess, eating lunch with students, and monitoring entrances and hallways. Your will also have some special time dedicated to being with their own kids, but they spend most of their day mentoring to others.
The chairs are responsible for coordinating all of the activities involving in executing the RES favorite. Examples include, but are not limited to, organizing a silent auction, reserving attractions, coordinating volunteers, recruiting food vendors, and completing all appropriate paperwork with the school district and city.
If you are interested in learning more about available positions, please contact us at [email protected].